this Article is deprecated. Please find the updated ASQL desription in Amadeus SQL (ASQL) development : Gastro-MIS GmbH

Dieser Artikel ist veraltet, die aktualisierten Artikel zu ASQL sind unter Amadeus SQL (ASQL) development : Gastro-MIS GmbH

For a quick start we present you some examples how you can accomplish the most common tasks with the AOI. We assume that you are working on the same server as the corresponding ACF is located and that you used 1234 for the serial number. We also asume that a waiter with pin 999 is available on the system. 

Order an item. 

The classical Workflow for ordering an item. A waiter logs in, opens a table, orders a item and logs out. 

http://localhost:1410?sno=1234&asql=init 999 // Login.

http://localhost:1410?sno=1234&asql=table 1 // Open table number 1.

http://localhost:1410?sno=1234&asql=book plu 123 // Order the item with the PLU 123.

http://localhost:1410?sno=1234&asql=init // Log out. 

Show all open tables of the current waiter

http://localhost:1410?sno=1234&asql=init 999 // Login


You will get an XML response containing information about all tables opened by the waiter at the moment. 

<section name="table.list">
<var key="table.lastbookdatetime">2017-02-15T11:37:43.000+01:00</var>
<var key="table.firstbookdatetime">2017-02-15T11:37:42.000+01:00</var>
<var key="type">table</var>
<var key="table.number">5</var>
<var key="table.balance">11.0</var>
<var key="table.adults">2</var>
<var key="table.infants">0</var>
<var key="">0</var>
<var key="waiter.number">999</var>
<var key="">Ebner Service</var>
<action key="STANDARD">table 5;</action>


http://localhost:1410?sno=1234&asql=tableinfo nowaiter

You will get informations about all open tables regardless of the waiter currently logged in. 

Print a receipt

http://localhost:1410?sno=1234&asql=init 999 // Login

http://localhost:1410?sno=1234&asql=table 1 // Open table number 1

http://localhost:1410?sno=1234&asql=finance 20 // Pay table saldo by cash

http://localhost:1410?sno=1234&asql=print 1 // print receipt with template number 1

http://localhost:1410?sno=1234&asql=init // Logout

This processs can be shortened by submitting a macro: 

http://localhost:1410?sno=1234&asql=init 999 // Login

http://localhost:1410?sno=1234&asql=table 1; finance 20; print 1; //Macro open table, pay cash, print receipt

http://localhost:1410?sno=1234&asql=init // Logout

Ausführen einer Funktion über Funktionsnummern

Many operations can be executed by function numbers. The AOI guides you through the process step by step. 

http://localhost:1410?sno=1234&asql=init 999 // Login

http://localhost:1410?sno=1234&asql=func 81 // get journal of ordered items. 

There are two possibillities to execute the function, Journal for the table or journal for all tables. The AOI asks you which one you'd like to execute.


<section name="function.list.details">
<var key="type">function</var>
<var key="function.number">1</var>
<var key="">Buchungsjournal</var>
<action key="STANDARD">FUNC 81 1;</action>
<var key="type">function</var>
<var key="function.number">2</var>
<var key="">Tischjournal</var>
<action key="STANDARD">FUNC 81 2;</action>

Possible next function steps are placed in  <action key="STANDARD"></action> tags.
You could execute 
There are functions with up to 5 consecutive steps, for example selling a voucher is such an operation.