this Article is deprecated. Please find the updated ASQL desription in Amadeus SQL (ASQL) development : Gastro-MIS GmbH

Dieser Artikel ist veraltet, die aktualisierten Artikel zu ASQL sind unter Amadeus SQL (ASQL) development : Gastro-MIS GmbH

FINANCE <financenumber> [AMOUNT <amount>] [ID <id>];

[] ... optional

<financenumber> ... Finance-Nummer

<amount> ... Betrag

<id> ... Gutschein-ID

Pay the current table saldo with the selected financetype. If no amount is given, the whole saldo is used as an amount. If amount > saldo, change will be calculated. 

Example: .: FINANCE 20 AMOUNT 100;

Only available, if a hotel interface is configured. 

  • ROOM;

List all hotel interfaces.

  • ROOM HOTEL <hotel interface id>;

<hotel interface id> ... interface id

List all rooms for this hotel.

  • ROOM HOTEL <hotel interface id> <room>;

<hotel interface id> ... interface id

<room> ... room number

List all guests available for this room.

  • ROOM HOTEL <hotel interface id> <room> <reservation>;

<hotel interface id> ... interface id

<room> ... room

<reservation> ... guest

Transfer the table saldo to the hotel room.


Prints a list of items on this table, the table saldo and displays the subtotal on the customer display, if avilable.


Close current slip, pay by cash.