Die Execution Codes als Antwort auf ASQL-Befehle ist die Information darüber, ob ein ASQL-Befehl erfolgreich war.

Die erste Stelle des Execution Codes bestimmt, ob es sich nur um eine Information, eine Warnung oder einen Fehler bei der Ausführung handelt.
Nutzt man die Schnittstellen von LINA POS API "Webkasse" ist es notwendig, zwei Antworten auszuwerten:

  • die Antwort der Third-Party-API 
  • den Execution Code auf den ASQL-Befehl oder das ASQL-Makro

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Tabelle der Gruppen der Execution Codes

Tabelle der Gruppen der Execution Codes
erste StelleStatusErgebnis Ausführung
"1", "2", "3"INFODer Befehl konnte erfolgreich ausgeführt werden.
"4", "5", "6"WARNINGDer Befehl konnte erfolgreich durchgeführt werden, aber es ist eine Situation aufgetreten die besondere Beachtung erfordert. (Noch nicht in Verwendung)
"7", "8", "9"FAILDer Befehl konnte nicht durchgeführt werden

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Liste der Execution Codes

Wenn LINA POS den ASQL-Befehl nicht verarbeiten kann, wird der Grund dafür im Abschnitt "Status" des Rückgabe-XML angezeigt.

Befehl erfolgreich ausgeführt:

20000000: Info

20000004: Connection alive.

23201000: Terminal {0} successfully opened.

23201010: Terminal {0} successfully closed.

23202000: Waiter {0} successfully logged in.

23202010: Waiter {0} successfully logged out.

23202011: Waiter parameters reloaded.

23203000: Permission to execute function granted.

23203001: Function {0} executed.

23203002: Operations profile changed.

23203003: Function details listed.

23203004: Terminal shutdown.

23203005: Entered team {0}.

23203006: Left team {0}.

23203007: Team role {0} assigned.

23203008: Account balance is {0}.

23203009: Delayed bons printed.

23203020: Documents listed.

23203022: Document opened.

23203031: Table handover okay.

23203032: Table takeover okay.

23203100: Functions listed.

23204101: Terminal started.

23204102: Terminal shutdown.

23204103: Terminal in use.

23300000: Drinkdispenser debit.

23500100: Successfully registered.

23500101: Successfully logged in.

23500102: TAN confirmed.

23500103: Listening connection okay.

23600000: {0} {1} booked.

23600001: {0} {1} shown.

23600002: Article list.

23600003: Mec article list.

23600004: Mec group article list.

23600005: Category article list.

23600006: Detailcategory article list.

23600007: Grosscategory article list.

23600008: Seller article list.

23600009: Mec list.

23600010: Mec group list.

23600011: Category list.

23600012: Detailcategory list.

23600013: Grosscategory list.

23600014: Waiter list.

23600015: Finance category list.

23600016: Finance list.

23600017: Price level list.

23600018: Sort order list.

23600030: Search article list.

23600031: Search mec list.

23600032: Search mec group list.

23600033: Search category list.

23600034: Search detailcategory list.

23600035: Search grosscategory list.

23600036: Search waiter list.

23600037: Search finance category list.

23600038: Search finance list.

23600039: Search price level list.

23600040: Search sort order list.

23600048: {0} menu booked.

23600049: {0} tender booked.

23600050: Article canceled.

23600057: Cancellation reasons listed.

23600060: Article updated.

23600070: {0} {1}.

23600071: Finance list.

23600072: Finance transaction {0} started.

23600073: Finance transaction {0} ended.

23600080: {0} {1}.

23600090: Finance transaction {0} aborted.

23600100: Bill {0} printed.

23600101: Bill list.

23600110: Hotelinterface list.

23600111: Room list.

23600112: Guest list.

23700000: Table {0} opened.

23700001: Table list.

23700007: Table {0} info.

23700008: Table info list.

23700010: Table split ok.

23700020: Table set address ok.

23700030: Take away set.

23700040: Refresh ok.

23750000: Monitor ok.

23800000: Business closed.

24951001: Replication: Full Import okay.

24952001: Replication: Full Export okay.

Befehl endete mit Fehler:

80000001: Operation could not be executed. An unknown failure occurred.

80000002: Unknown command: invalid syntax.

80000003: Connection dead.

80000005: Session blocked.

81202001: Partner Key Invalid!

81202002: Serial Number Invalid!

81900006: HermesCoupon debit.

82101025: ACF Printer Error

82300512: Unknown Command

82300514: Unknown Telegram

82300515: Error Reading

82300516: Error Writing

82300517: No Polling

82300518: Device Error

82401026: Print document Error

83201001: No Permission.

83201002: No waiter logged in.

83201003: Invalid PIN.

83201004: Invalid Terminal configuration.

83202001: Unknown PIN.

83202002: Waiter {0} is unknown.

83202003: No permission to log in.

83202004: No permission to change waiter.

83202005: No permission to log in at this terminal.

83202006: No permission to log in. Maximum number of allowed logins exceeded.

83202012: Waiter not logged off.

83203001: No waiter logged in.

83203002: No table opened.

83203003: No permission to execute function.

83203004: Waiter not logged off d to fix terminal assignment.

83203005: Operations profile unknown.

83203006: Function number {0} unknown.

83203007: Document unknown.

83203008: Cannot leave team {0}.

83203009: Cannot enter team.

83203010: Cannot assign team role {0}.

83203011: Not in a team.

83203021: No data found.

83204100: Terminal not started.

83300001: Terminal not started.

83300002: No waiter logged in.

83300003: Unknown plu/article number {0}.

83300004: Invalid input {0}.

83600001: No waiter logged in.

83600002: Unknown plu/article number {0}.

83600003: Unknown finance {0}.

83600004: No price.

83600005: Invalid input {0}.

83600006: Article book not allowed.

83600007: Article {0} x {1} not available.

83600008: No course compilation.

83600009: Table already closed.

83600010: Article book - pricelevel not allowed.

83600011: Article book - price not allowed.

83600012: Article book - zero price not allowed.

83600013: Article book - no open price.

83600014: Article book - max open price exceeded.

83600015: Article {0} locked.

83600016: Article book - captive supply restriction exceeded.

83600017: Article book - negative count not allowed.

83600018: Article book - max count exceeded.

83600019: Article book - captive supply not bookable.

83600020: Article book - article is no weighting article.

83600021: Article book - max weight exceeded.

83600022: Article book - parent article for tender not found.

83600023: Article book - book after finance not allowed.

83600051: No waiter logged in.

83600052: No table opened.

83600053: Invalid input {0}.

83600054: Cancel not allowed.

83600055: Unknown plu/article number {0}.

83600056: No cancellation reasons configured.

83600061: No waiter logged in.

83600062: No table opened.

83600063: Invalid input {0}.

83600071: No waiter logged in.

83600072: No table opened.

83600073: Invalid input {0}.

83600074: Finance not allowed.

83600075: Finance minimum sales not reached.

83600076: Finance drawback not allowed.

83600077: Not enough deposit.

83600078: Server not reachable.

83600079: Finance {0} on table.

83600080: Subtotal necessary.

83600081: No waiter logged in.

83600082: No table opened.

83600083: Total not allowed.

83600084: Cannot undo payment. Restricted finance.

83600085: Subtotal necessary.

83600086: Captive supply restriction.

83600087: Mixed finances not allowed.

83600091: No waiter logged in.

83600092: Invalid input {0}.

83600101: No waiter logged in.

83600102: No table opened.

83600103: Invalid input {0}.

83600111: No waiter logged in.

83600112: No table opened.

83600113: Invalid input {0}.

83600114: Not enough deposit.

83600115: Server not reachable.

83600169: Table balance already 0.00

83700001: No waiter logged in.

83700002: Table input {0} not allowed.

83700003: Table required.

83700004: Table {0} blocked by {1}.

83700011: No waiter logged in.

83700012: Table has finance.

83700013: Invalid input {0}.

83700014: Table split not allowed.

83700021: No waiter logged in.

83700031: No waiter logged in.

83700032: No table opened.

83700041: No waiter logged in.

83700042: No table opened.

83750001: No waiter logged in.

83750002: Table not opened.

83750003: Invalid input {0}.

83800001: Invalid input {0}.

83800002: Close of Business is running!

84950001: Replication: invalid syntax!

84950002: Replication: invalid authorization!

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